Thank you for your interest in our veg box scheme.
How does the scheme work?
• Every Tuesday you will be e-mailed with a link to this weeks order form.
• Submit the form by Wednesday 9pm to let us know if you want a box that week or wish to add on any bread, dairy items, eggs or meat. If you don’t sumbit a form to us you won’t get a box that week.
• Freshly assembled veg boxes will be ready for collection 10:30am-5:30pm Saturday & Sunday.
Add ons
• If you should want any bread, milk, butter, eggs, sauces, meat or other produce we sell with your veg box you can add them using the form.
How much will it cost and what will I get?
• Our standard box, whose contents vary every week, costs just £10. Example contents for autumn/winter:
▪ 1kg potatoes
▪ 500g leeks
▪ 1 swede
▪ 1kg carrots
▪ 1kg onions
▪ Bag of Peppers
▪ 350g tomatoes
▪ 5 eating apples
Where does the produce come from?
• We try to source all food locally, either by growing it ourselves, or sourcing from local farmers.
• If we can’t get crops locally we will source from around the UK.
• At certain times of the year it may be necessary to source produce from further afield to provide sufficient variety.
Do you deliver?
• As most of you will be aware we are a very small family run farm with limited man-power. This, combined with our desire to keep costs down for you, means we do not offer a delivery service.
• We don’t build the cost of delivery into your box which means we offer quality food at much less than supermarket prices!
I want to sign up, what should I do?
• Simply fill in the form below with your name, address and contact number confirming that you would like to sign up to the scheme.
• You will receive an e-mail from us confirming registration and then another the following Tuesday, with a link to the order form.
Can I join later?
• Yes, you can join our veg box scheme whenever you like.
What if I am away for a while or want to stop?
• Not a problem. If we don’t get a submited form from you we won’t make a veg box for you. If you want to be removed from the scheme just send us an email to let us know.
The Small Print!
• If you order a box you are liable to pay for it even if you don’t collect it.
• Payment is accepted by cash, Visa or MasterCard please.
• Please feel free to contact us by text, phone or e-mail if you think we might not have got your order.
We look forward to providing you with a range of delicious, local produce.
Signing Up
If you would like to sign up for our veg box scheme or have questions about it please email and ask to sign up to our veg box scheme.